Sunday, December 12, 2010

I Wish The World Was at Peace

Art By Banksy

I wish America correct the reasons other countries hate us.  Tonight I posed an open ended question on my facebook "How do we fix relations between the US and the Middle East?" and got pretty much a statistically predicted response based on an internet article I was reading about hot to form a non biased opinion of the Middle East.

Here is that excerpt

Americans Do Not Know the Reasons

Reading the summary of the reasons in the third part of this essay will shed light on the mindset and feelings of those who do not like America. Americans themselves do not know or understand the reasons. In the poll I refer to below where Americans were asked to pick the main reason "why those who attacked us and their supporters hate the United States?", the 26% of Americans who answered in the top category surely do not have a grip on reality!
They hate us because of:
  1. our democracy and freedom" (26%)
  2. "our support for Israel" (22%)
  3. "our values and way of life" (20%), and
  4. "our influence on the economy and lives of Middle Eastern countries" (17%).
  5. our economic and military power (11%).
Harris Interactive poll (2001)8
Points 1 and 3 together make about half the population who apparently suffer from severe solipsistic confusion about the world. The media critic Nick Davies blames much of this ignorance on the media, whose selective reporting leads to an imbalanced view of the world:

As seen by this article about 50% of people do not even realize that we instigated tensions with the Middle East not visa versa.  Yes, they live very differently than us but that is no reason to go to war and oppose the people.  I know it is not polite to talk about politics but I wanted to prove a point, half of peoples responses were out of ignorance and half were out of a basic understanding.  I will not post any of these out of respect for their writes all being friends of mine.  In conclusion I will state I whole heartedly support our troops, they don't decide wars they handle them.  Seek the truth on issues and do not believe everything you are told. I wish there were more people like Ghandi in the world. 

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." Mohandas Ghandi

Educate Yourself
Think About It...

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