Sunday, November 7, 2010

Why the hell would I ever blog about pistachios...?

Today I was eating pistachios because some noob jacked my wallet while i was off campus and have no means of purchasing food and it was the only thing left in my room.  I'm not sure if it was because i was starving or because i like pistachios but it was one of the best food experiences ever.  It lead me to think about why pistachios are so amazing.  I mean honestly, they're salty and crunchy just like any nut, in the nut world they really have nothing superior to offer that would make them such hot shit.  So i began to think maybe its because I have to individually open every single one for a minimal amount of food.  Which leads me to think of one of the greatest things I've ever heard in my life "the greatest things in life are something you've worked for not anything you got by chance or luck". So if anyone ever says "I wish pistachios came outside the shell" you look them sternly in the eye and you tell them to go fuck themself.

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