Monday, December 20, 2010

Experience Love

"You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect - you aren't either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she's not there." 
— Bob Marley

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I Wish The World Was at Peace

Art By Banksy

I wish America correct the reasons other countries hate us.  Tonight I posed an open ended question on my facebook "How do we fix relations between the US and the Middle East?" and got pretty much a statistically predicted response based on an internet article I was reading about hot to form a non biased opinion of the Middle East.

Here is that excerpt

Americans Do Not Know the Reasons

Reading the summary of the reasons in the third part of this essay will shed light on the mindset and feelings of those who do not like America. Americans themselves do not know or understand the reasons. In the poll I refer to below where Americans were asked to pick the main reason "why those who attacked us and their supporters hate the United States?", the 26% of Americans who answered in the top category surely do not have a grip on reality!
They hate us because of:
  1. our democracy and freedom" (26%)
  2. "our support for Israel" (22%)
  3. "our values and way of life" (20%), and
  4. "our influence on the economy and lives of Middle Eastern countries" (17%).
  5. our economic and military power (11%).
Harris Interactive poll (2001)8
Points 1 and 3 together make about half the population who apparently suffer from severe solipsistic confusion about the world. The media critic Nick Davies blames much of this ignorance on the media, whose selective reporting leads to an imbalanced view of the world:

As seen by this article about 50% of people do not even realize that we instigated tensions with the Middle East not visa versa.  Yes, they live very differently than us but that is no reason to go to war and oppose the people.  I know it is not polite to talk about politics but I wanted to prove a point, half of peoples responses were out of ignorance and half were out of a basic understanding.  I will not post any of these out of respect for their writes all being friends of mine.  In conclusion I will state I whole heartedly support our troops, they don't decide wars they handle them.  Seek the truth on issues and do not believe everything you are told. I wish there were more people like Ghandi in the world. 

"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it." Mohandas Ghandi

Educate Yourself
Think About It...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sublime Music For a Sublime Life

If I could party with anyone it would definitely be Brad Nowell.  Not because I wanna be a celebrity or any fake shit like that.  I can tell by his music that he was a dude with some personality.  Good vibes, good music, good beaches, and bad bitches; he lived the life.  Its funny to think that the same place I live is where his band made their rise to fame.  Guess I was born a little too late.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

24 Hours Till I'm Back In Cali

Got a lot of friends and family to see.  Got a lot of things to do, In N Out, Hollywood, Thanksgiving Dinner, Skim Sesh.  It's strange most people I talk to are going home to relax. I'm hitting the ground running, livin every opportunity like it's my last chance.  Enjoy the things you have and the people in your life and especially enjoy the time you share with other people, its fit to run out.

Don’t count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count.

Think About It

Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Kanye Album

From the cover itself its very clear Kanye West started with the theme of "art".  The Beginning of the album starts with the song Dark Fantasy which samples a poem spoken by Niki Minaj then comes in with a singing sample and drops right into Kanye killing a beat with the choral samples coming in and out of music.  The album features not only a multitude of modern day famous musician but includes musical interludes and even a spoken part by Chris Rock which is supposed to imitate the boyfriend of Kanye's ex girlfriend and his thankfulness that Kanye taught her how to treat a real man.  The album is in my opinion unmatched by anything that has ever come out in the rap genre there is even a point when Rick Ross comes in after a minute long guitar solo.  I theorize that the music world is slowly diverging back to including real talented music and will bring the rap genre with it, but no matter what Kanye West just changed the rap game and I believe it is a very good direction.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wake Up Early and Workout

Never had a better day and there was nothing significant about it.  Life just feels right.

Back To Basics

Got up with my friend Nathan Rockwell this morning at 7am to workout.  Got back to my room at 8:50 and showered.  Don't have class till 12 so it looks like I'll be able to get some serious studying in before class.  Then I'm going to bible study tonight.  Finally getting my life back to where it should be.  Man it feels good.  Think about it...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I Hope They Understand, That I Really Understand That They Don't Understand

On our 8 hour drive to Georgia for our last regatta of the fall season I had the opportunity to really sit down and listen to Kid Cudi's new album. I understand that most artists get caught up in the fame after their first album hits and change but to my pleasant surprise Kid Cudi's second album is only a continuation to the amazing works of his first CD. Man on the Moon 2 the Legend of Mr. Rager is just like the first album but much more elaborate and much much darker and deeper. I'm so glad to see a rapper who actually has something to say be successful. Oh and we got 6th place in our race, so a nice end to our season now begins training for the spring season. Let's Gooooooooooo!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

J Grigdes

Been following J Grigdes since I had the opportunity to meet him when him HP and my cousin Woozy stayed at my house while they were working out living arrangements for their move to Hollywood. He's from Chicago and he's been on his grind for a long ass time doing some of the coolest tracks and dopest freestyles i've ever heard. My cousin produces for him and they're real good friends. He recently had the opportunity to meet with DJ Ill Will and got the mixtape deal. Can't wait to see him, my cousin, and HP hit the pinnacles he plans to reach.  Wavelength Music Group.

This is dedicated to all the kids like me...

Follow your dreams no matter what anyone tells you...

Monday, November 8, 2010

One Day I'm gonna be Driving Down Balboa with a Convertible Aston Martin...

I'm usually not a fan of flashy rap songs but Rick Ross really throws down on this song mixed with Drake eloquently singing the hook and Chrisette Michele signing the chorus it sets a classy tone on the same level of something I think Biggie would be doing today.

My favorite part about this song is how Drake takes the same exact beat and does the song Paris Morton music on top of it and changes the meaning from classy flashy to one of the realest verses I've ever herd anyone spit, I have so much respect for Drake for the way he respects his mom and is able to admit to real feelings

Drake - Paris Morton Music

Rick Ross Aston Martin Music Ft Drake And Chrisette Michele 'Teflon Don...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Why the hell would I ever blog about pistachios...?

Today I was eating pistachios because some noob jacked my wallet while i was off campus and have no means of purchasing food and it was the only thing left in my room.  I'm not sure if it was because i was starving or because i like pistachios but it was one of the best food experiences ever.  It lead me to think about why pistachios are so amazing.  I mean honestly, they're salty and crunchy just like any nut, in the nut world they really have nothing superior to offer that would make them such hot shit.  So i began to think maybe its because I have to individually open every single one for a minimal amount of food.  Which leads me to think of one of the greatest things I've ever heard in my life "the greatest things in life are something you've worked for not anything you got by chance or luck". So if anyone ever says "I wish pistachios came outside the shell" you look them sternly in the eye and you tell them to go fuck themself.

The importance of athletics

Its been almost a year since the last time i put on football pads and i know crew is no where near as thrilling as a football game but getting 5th place out of 22 teams and medals was a pretty cool experience especially because a few of the teams in our division were on scholarship to do what we do.  Also since joining the crew team im amazed at how much more school work i actually get done.  I give two hours of my day to crew and regattas on the weekend and somehow im more productive now.  Its funny how having commitments in your life really puts you in the right mindset, think about it.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Not Exactly Sure

Where im going with this blog but i think my first post was a step in the right direction

Breaking Away From the Crowd

The crowd say:
Change is not good, don’t upset the balance
Independents say:
We are constantly changing, why wait for the crowd to change, be the change!
The crowd say:
Plan your life.
Independents say:
Just do it, fail as many times as possible, but just do it.
The crowd say:
We like happy, balanced, educated people to drive our world.
Independents say:
We need degree-less dreamers, and ‘weirdo’s’ who think differently.
The crowd say:
We need people who are realistic.
Independents say:
We need people who believe they can change the world.
The crowd say:
Don’t teach songs like ‘baa baa black sheep’ as it will offend some people.
Independents say:
Absolute bullshit!
The crowd say:
Put an ‘X’ in the box for the candidate you’d like to vote for
Independents say:
Sign up to become a candidate.
The crowd say:
Get a good steady job, with good pension benefits, and when you retire you can enjoy life.
Independents say:
Enjoy your life now and create the job that suits you.
The crowd say:
Steady and slow.
Independents say:
Rock the boat, and rock it often.
The crowd say:
Be normal
Independents say:
Be weird.
The crowd say:
Be economical with the truth
Independents say:
Lay yourself bare and tell the truth at all costs.
The crowd say:
Change is sometimes a good thing.
Independents say:
Change is absolutely necessary.
The crowd say:
Learn as much as possible and you won’t make so many mistakes
Independents say:
Make as many mistakes as possible, but learn from every single one of them
The crowd say:
Wait and think about it.
Independents say:
Do it, and then think about.
The crowd say:
We can’t all live our dreams.
Independents say:
Why the hell not!
Be the change, be the force, be the leader, be whatever the hell you want to be,stop thinking about it, do it, do it now and don’t make any excuses for who you are.